Home Security For Vacation Time

If you are going to be away from home for a bit, then you want to keep the home as safe and protected as possible. This short guide will help give you some awesome ideas with regards to some different things you can do to keep the house safe while you are away from home.

Have someone park in your driveway

If you don't have a second car to leave parked in the driveway while you are gone, then you want to ask a neighbor to park their car in your driveway. Or, you can ask a relative or friend to drop off a spare car they don't use often and park it in the driveway. The reason for doing this is because criminals tend to shy away from homes with cars sitting in the driveways because it makes it look more like the home owner, or someone else, may be inside of the home.

Have someone shovel the snow

If you get snow where you live, you are going to want to be sure someone is coming over each day to shovel the snow off of your walkway. If the snow is allowed to continuously pile up without any shoveling, criminals are going to know that no one is home because it will be obvious that no one has gone outside for days.

Have your lights set on timers

Getting lights that work on timers is great for both convenience and for home security. When you have your outside lights on timers, you will have a lit walkway when you come home and can get in the house without tripping around furniture. When it comes to home safety and security, having lights on timers helps to scare off the criminals because they will assume someone is home when they see that some of the inside lights are on.

Be careful on social media

Do not announce your vacation on any of your social media sites. People love to talk about the things they are excited about. However, for home security reasons, it is best if you post about your exciting vacation after you get home. This way, you won't be letting everyone who sees your page know that no one will be at your home for days.

Have a security system put in

Homes are safer when they have security systems. When you know you are going to be leaving for a while, this will be the perfect time to finally follow through with having a security system installed in your home. Companies like Sonitrol Security Systems can help you with this.
