4 Tips To Improve Home Security Before Leaving On An Extended Trip Away From Home

When you're the kind of person that often travels for long stretches of time, it's important that you take care of to make sure your home is as protected as possible while you're gone. While having secure locks on the doors is one thing, there are a number of other things that you should keep in mind that can make a big difference in how secure your home is when you're away on a trip.

Make Sure the Window Coverings Are Closed

Keeping the windows open while you're gone can provide a clear view inside your home. The problem with this is it can encourage burglars since they'll be able to see your valuables just by peering through the windows. With this in mind, you should consider getting your blinds and curtains thick enough where they block out the view and can be closed while you're away on your trip.

Get Automatic Lighting Timers Set Up

While you likely want to keep the lights off to save energy while you're gone, the lights being off, day after day, can be a sure sign that the homeowners are away. With this in mind, it's important that you get some automatic timers installed to control the lights.

What this can do is ensure that the lights are switched on in the evening for some out of the time. This can help keep your home looking occupied and ensure that it's less of a target for burglarizing.

Cut Down on Lush Landscaping

Lush landscaping can prevent a clear view into your yard. This can make it much easier for potential burglars to get to your windows and other points of entry without any neighbor noticing. Lush landscaping can also get in the way when you have security cameras set up since they can block the view into your yard. Keeping landscaping neat before you leave for your vacation can help ensure that your yard isn't as enticing for potential burglars.

Choose an Alarm System for Immediate Help

Since your home will be unoccupied during the duration of your trip, it's a good idea to get an alarm system to rely on. Alarm systems can be set up to monitor the doors and windows of your home and can quickly trigger the local place and notify you if any action is detected. This can provide some peace of mind when you're going to be away from home.

You want to explore what you can do to make your home as small of a target as possible before leaving. With the above tips in mind, you'll be able to improve home security and won't feel as concerned about a break-in being possible. Contact a company like All Pro Security Inc for more information and assistance. 
